you shoud be lucky owen... that you're alive
you aren't one among those killed in bomb blasts and suicide attacks..
you aren't among the kids who died without getting medecines...
you aren't from a place wer they fear to get out because of civl war..

and you aren't among those who havn't seen the world because they are blind and who aren't able to walk because they are lame...

never say "oh god... i have a problem" instead.. say "oh problem.. i have a God"

you aren't among those whose screams go unheard.. and whose voices never overcome silence... you are a member of qatar living.. so b brave.. speak out wat u want.. u know buddy, wen u share, joys multiply and sorrows divide.. this is the best palce to speak out wat u r feeling.. we aren't strangers here.. are ya owen..? i never felt that wy.. all those who scribbl;e down theor thought and worries are always one amongst us...