Thank Xelull,
you dah explain quiet details pasal life kat qatar.I'm very pleased to have all those informations..hope you share more ok!
Tell me about working culture...How's working culture out there?challenging ke,under pressure ke xde pressure? my fren in Abu Dhabi quiet pleased with his new job at Abu Dhabi gas plant,kate die keje kat situ is more specific to what he previously had..also he had ample time to do some ibadah etc where in M'sia you work till end of your prayer time. camne pulak people out there?are they friendly to us?Ade sape2 ex PETXXXXS especially dari LNG or gas plant,please give your experience kat sini bole la tau apa perkembangan kat sana.....thanks a lot friends!!

Opportunity is when something coming to you at the right time and right place which you cannot resist it for the world