though you are provided with accomodation,still other things are not in your control,recently we read in local news that present raise in rents will continue fr 2 years and economy is fluctuating in all other areas, to cope up inflation every thing will raise automatically.
After coming you may decide let wife also start working due to
1.wail out her leisure time.
2.You may plan for a kid and start saving for that
3.Monthly income is same and others increasing every second week.
4.Wants will increase and means remain same.
Now Ball is in your court,to take correct decession
though you are provided with accomodation,still other things are not in your control,recently we read in local news that present raise in rents will continue fr 2 years and economy is fluctuating in all other areas, to cope up inflation every thing will raise automatically.
After coming you may decide let wife also start working due to
1.wail out her leisure time.
2.You may plan for a kid and start saving for that
3.Monthly income is same and others increasing every second week.
4.Wants will increase and means remain same.
Now Ball is in your court,to take correct decession