There was a story on BBC radio yesterday morning about possible low stocks/shortages. Here's a link:
Apparently, there has been low fuel supplies (refineries closed down) in the US coupled with high demand.
There has been sabotage to a pipeline in Nigeria somewhere I think I heard.
And oil is reaching USD 70 a barrel due to concerns about US/Iran, plus no doubt due to the other factors.
That's what's happening globally at the moment.
There was a story on BBC radio yesterday morning about possible low stocks/shortages. Here's a link:
Apparently, there has been low fuel supplies (refineries closed down) in the US coupled with high demand.
There has been sabotage to a pipeline in Nigeria somewhere I think I heard.
And oil is reaching USD 70 a barrel due to concerns about US/Iran, plus no doubt due to the other factors.
That's what's happening globally at the moment.