Are you sure you don't mean this company (NB: different spelling of name Odeon not Oden):

Montres Odeon SA
Rue de la Gare 14
CH-2501 Biel / Bienne
+41 (0) 32 / 3 23 23 83
+41 (0) 32 / 3 23 27 13

[Source: ]

uhren = german? for clocks/watches? But from /watchbizz/ anyway I think one can deduce it's an online directory of all watch businesses.

Montres Odeon S.A. Biel/Bienne, Biel/Bienne
31. Januar 1997
Montres Odeon S.A., in B i e l, Fabrikation von und Handel mit Uhren (SHAB Nr. 1 vom 4. 1. 1988, S. 3).
Ausgeschiedene Personen: Therese Jenny,VR-Mitglied ohne Unterschrift.
Eingetragene Personen neu oder mutierend: Treuhand Riesen AG, in Biel, Revisionsstelle.

Appears to be a small boutique watchmakers with fewer than 10 employees.

If this is the company you're looking for it doesn't appear to have a website.