Hey Hamlet,

I thought I was going a bit mad too, but I've noticed all the same things as you. I think the problems are just with QBS, as I don't have any problems with other boradcasters.

I think QBS isn't transmitting a strong signal, so it tends to fade in and out as you drive along; perhaps it is the buildings beside the road that are interferring.

Regarding Elias' audible phone coversations, I had a chuckle about that this morning on the way to work. That's probably got nothing to do with anything other than an error on the part of the announcer or the producer, forgetting to mute the mic in the studio. A couple of days ago you could hear both the QBS music as well as other incidental sounds. I don't know which I find more amusing, his dry sense of humour (I actually get his jokes :P) or some of the less professional things such as this that are mistakenly broadcast!

When I was back home for a few months one of the things I really missed was that kooky music they play on QBS at the top of every hour - perhaps someone knows where I can get it from?