Nice to meet you. Couldn't sleep and noticed your message, got a weeks holiday but should be writing school reports really but in the mean time I'll dabble (or should that be babble?) on here.
Well your catholic background is certainly different from mine but its part of your make up, at least you have the critical thinking skills to completely/partially accept or reject the beliefs that were foisted, all be it well intentioned, upon you. Our friend Saud has no such luxury and its probably too late for his children. He doesn't know why he is a muslim and he hasnt the capacity to tell his offspring honestly why they should keep the faith also.

I was brought up a council house kid to, I suppose you would call now days, aspiratinal working class parents. Not one member of the wider family attended churh, although for some bizzare reason I attended Sunday sch for a short time when I was 5 or so! At this age it became clear that religion was a lot of mumbo jumbo, so I thank them for that. Hence I have been an agnostic since the first time I encountered religion. Didn't really discover the freedom of atheism till I read Camus at Uni.
Luckily at this and my previous international sch the students don't do religion and they are much more rounded for it. People can believe what they like and the only point I agree with Saud on is that you have to have knowledge on a subject to make a valid contribution; trouble is... he's got only one source! And in my honest opinion, from whatever faith you prescibe to, that is extremely dangerous for everyone else - just look at the global warming deniers!
Anyway, keep the faith...or not, oh and Gipsy sounds like she's got her head screwed on straight.

"I don't go to mythical places with strange men."
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.