I am not joking about Islam. I have told that to Genesis and i think he knew what i am talking about. Look Alexa, what Allah has promised everybody, HE will fulfil HIS promise and i have no doubt about it. No one should doubt about it.

I can not find anything due to which Islam should be ridiculed. I am sure what i am saying is correct and i can not say anything which i do not know rather i will ask the person to consult with scholars ;) That's why i told everyone, if they got any doubt they can consult scholars and i am sure they will get answers for every question they may have since Islam covers everything. I am not turning people away from it.

Allah is one, there is no other God but Allah. I am 100% sure about this knowledge. He sent Mohammed (P.B.U.H) to tell human beings about Allah and HIS message and that Quran is true Book containing Allah's words. I am also 100% sure about this knowledge.