By reading other threads about accommodation, you will note that it is increasingly expensive to rent in Qatar.

One thing to be aware of is that there is supposed to be a legal limit to how much your landlord can raise your rent. The limit is supposed to be a 10 per cent rise. However, this limit apparently applies only to unfurnished apartments. If an apartment is furnished, the landlord is relatively free to increase the rent by however much he or she likes.

In Qatar t's not just a matter of incurring the expense of furnishing an unfurnished apartment v. not having a huge outlay when you move, it's not just a matter being able to furnish a property to your tastes v. putting up with the furniture provided, which may or may not be to your taste.

I think those would be the general differences if you were renting in many places, but in Qatar, because of this law about limiting rent rises applies differently to unfurnished and furnished properties, you also need to bear that in mind.