JBH, maybe you have a problem with your digestion. Try eating meat and legumes (beans/peas/lentils) separately, not at the same meal. You should eat raw vegetables at every meal...at breakfast have a veg juice with your food, if you balk at the thought of veg juice try carrot with fruit and blend together and add some water to dilute for your stomach. For lunch and dinner have a side salad with your meal or do as the French and have some lettuce leaves with a dressing after the main course. Obviously don't put too many food groups into your stomach at once as you'll overload your digestion.
However it sounds like you have a sluggish liver which is overworked. Try liver cleansing foods, the best are lemon, carrots and beets. Have a glass of warm water with some lemon juice first thing in the morning then after 15 mins or so have a glass of carrot, celery and parsley (you'll need a juice extractor) before your breakfast. If you do this every morning I think your digestion will improve. Good for you as you're getting some fruit and veg in as part of your daily target of 5 servings of veg and 2 servings of fruit!
JBH, maybe you have a problem with your digestion. Try eating meat and legumes (beans/peas/lentils) separately, not at the same meal. You should eat raw vegetables at every meal...at breakfast have a veg juice with your food, if you balk at the thought of veg juice try carrot with fruit and blend together and add some water to dilute for your stomach. For lunch and dinner have a side salad with your meal or do as the French and have some lettuce leaves with a dressing after the main course. Obviously don't put too many food groups into your stomach at once as you'll overload your digestion.
However it sounds like you have a sluggish liver which is overworked. Try liver cleansing foods, the best are lemon, carrots and beets. Have a glass of warm water with some lemon juice first thing in the morning then after 15 mins or so have a glass of carrot, celery and parsley (you'll need a juice extractor) before your breakfast. If you do this every morning I think your digestion will improve. Good for you as you're getting some fruit and veg in as part of your daily target of 5 servings of veg and 2 servings of fruit!