If you are employed here.. I believe you must have done some research work on whats-hot and whats-not when in comes to job scene in qatar. Can you share it with me?
I have got an IT bachelors with some experience in tech support Dodo(sales) , Vodafone(tech support) and now with bigpond (tech support) .(total 2 years). I am looking into strenthening (or even changing) my profile. Is risk management, change management, marketing etc (MBA) worth the investment of time? Specially when I plan on seeking employment in qatar..
First time in qatar or do you visit often?
If you are employed here.. I believe you must have done some research work on whats-hot and whats-not when in comes to job scene in qatar. Can you share it with me?
I have got an IT bachelors with some experience in tech support Dodo(sales) , Vodafone(tech support) and now with bigpond (tech support) .(total 2 years). I am looking into strenthening (or even changing) my profile. Is risk management, change management, marketing etc (MBA) worth the investment of time? Specially when I plan on seeking employment in qatar..
looking forward to hearing from you