my muslim brothers and sisters. I feel here that muslims are arguing with each other which is very painful.

All muslims please tell me, since you all believe in Allah, HIS Prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H) and HIS book Quran difinetly, do you agree that other non muslims should remain non muslims and should not be informed about Islam. And we should wait that they should notice our Islamic culture and Islamic life style to know about Islam.

If you do, then you are making terrible mistake. You should know that our Ummah (Ummah Mohammadiyah) is not like other Ummah. We have been awarded with prophet's duty which is "Preaching Islam".

I totally agree with Samawy about his rules because some are really acting wrongly and ridicule Islam intentionally.

QL is about living in Qatar and as you all know that Islam is very important part of Qatar so it is wrong to say that preaching Islam should not be there. Who ever has problem with Islam, feel free to skip it. Also Islam is more than a country for every muslim and it is moral duty of person to protect his/her own home ;)