Most Q's answered. However you can also get the buses to explore Al-Khor and the north Al-Shamal (101-111 i think), although there aint much there and your beeter going with the Natural Histroy Group, bit of an older group but gets you out there and seeing things rather than stuck in Doha.

As a female you will be invited to the numerous balls (St. Andrews, St, Georges ANZAC etc.), dinners, parties and can probalby pick up a free ticket (normally 200-400QR) if you get in the right crowd and another person falls out. We went to a Ceildh last weekend in the Marriot and there were plenty of last minute guests etc.

Sheraton is a great gym at resonable costs for a 5* - 7000QR also Ramada a good choice. Depends on your budget.

At weekends go to the beach, inland sea etc. get to knoe some folks with 4x4 ususally spare seats going. House parties like when you were a student are in strong force here.

Rugby club will become a regular for you as a social venue even if you don't have a clue about the sport. Garveys is a bit more "interesting" and Ridges is good but to small and very busy. There are regular other good nights, e.g., "Jazz" at the Ritz.

One bizzare thing here is that you start hanging out a bit in 5* hotels, Where i grew up the nearest 4* star hotel was 100 miles away so it fells wierd....

Several other tips that my lass passes on - H&M open in Valaggio Mall and Tony and banks in "The Mall" - d-rng near airport.