Beela, you are better off using your credit card here if until you are established and paying it off before the interest starts via internet. The ATM fees from TD for using a foreign machine are quite high, you can check the rates with your bank. Also your credit card will be billed at the exchange rate and you loose nothing in conversion.
If you need some cash on hand, and the exchange rates for CDN/USD are what they were in the summertime I would suggest bringing USD. The rate of the USD is fixed to the QR at a rate of 3.65 but in exchange you will get around 3.64. You can exchange here in Qatar no problem and the rate in Qatar is only slightly better than the airport.
Beela, you are better off using your credit card here if until you are established and paying it off before the interest starts via internet. The ATM fees from TD for using a foreign machine are quite high, you can check the rates with your bank. Also your credit card will be billed at the exchange rate and you loose nothing in conversion.
If you need some cash on hand, and the exchange rates for CDN/USD are what they were in the summertime I would suggest bringing USD. The rate of the USD is fixed to the QR at a rate of 3.65 but in exchange you will get around 3.64. You can exchange here in Qatar no problem and the rate in Qatar is only slightly better than the airport.