and i will keep on saying, whether anyone believed in Allah or not it is not going to harm HIM. Whether anyone believed in HIS prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H) or not it is not going to harm Him or Allah. Whether anyone believed in Allah's words in Quran or not it is not going to harm HIM or HIS prophet or HIS Holy Book.

Please listen everyone this earth and everyting in this earth belongs to Allah. Everybody in this earth and in the universe including all human being belogs to Allah and they will go back to their only God i.e. Allah Almighty.

Allah has set examples in HIS book of the nations who did not believe in HIM. One example is there in Egypt if you anyone has doubt about it. It is Firaon (Mummy). Allah has promised to protect firaon's body to warn others not to repeat what he did.

No book in this world can show such examples.

Scorpio, i did not call you "Hun", i just typed it and i did not realise it. So ma apologise about that :)