that is a very low salary. i would not recommend accepting the job and then reporting them, it's too risky. If you want the job, simply ask for more money (politely but firmly) Tell them you would love the job, but you would like to get xxx amount of money. I personally would want at least $800 USD per month if your housing and transportation is already paid for. If you need transportation, I would ask for even more. The worst thing that can happen is they say no, but you should not accept this low a salary. Good luck!
that is a very low salary. i would not recommend accepting the job and then reporting them, it's too risky. If you want the job, simply ask for more money (politely but firmly) Tell them you would love the job, but you would like to get xxx amount of money. I personally would want at least $800 USD per month if your housing and transportation is already paid for. If you need transportation, I would ask for even more. The worst thing that can happen is they say no, but you should not accept this low a salary. Good luck!