1. Last time you kissed someone?
decades ago :D

2. Name five things you did last night:

1) watched a movie
2) watched an other movie
3) watched an other movie
4) went on drive at midnight
5) went to bed

3.Last time you consumed alcohol?
hmm years ago

4. What color phone do you have?

5. Where does your best friend live?
All over the world :D

6. What outfit do you have on at this exact moment?
Blue jeans with black Tshirt

7. What color are your eyes?
said b4 Black

8. Have you ever been in love?

9. When was the last time you drank a beer?
guess few days ago

10. Did you do any chores today?

11. What are you doing tomorrow?
at office working

12. Do you know someone who likes you?
hehehe ask how many likes me :D ALOTTTTT

13. Would you date the person that sent this?

14. Name someone you met in the past two months?
2 month? My boss :D

15. What color is your hair?

16. Do you think any of your exes still look good?

17. Have you ever said "I Love You" and not meant it?
I will never say it word LOVE sucks

18. Do you have a car?

19. What is the closest black object to you?
my cellphone

20. Have you ever been teased really bad?
well its me who tease others really bad :D

21. Did you enjoy your last kiss?
cant really remember it.
22. Do you believe in ghosts?

23. When was the last time you were interested in someone?
hmmm dont remember

24. Have you eaten popcorn in the past 48 hours?

25. Do you miss someone right now?
not really

26. Do you believe the statement "bigger is always better"?
hmm YEA I DO :D

27. Do you have a lot of guy friends?

28. Do you have a friend with benefits?

29. What is one thing you've learned about life?
be honest always and don mess with things u dont know

30. What’s your favorite color?
black & blue

31. Are you jealous of anyone?

32. Are anyone jealous of you?
cant say

33. Ever fell down the steps?

34. What does your grandmother call you?
don’t have one

35.What does your best friend call you?
hmmm Diesel lolz

36. What does you hair look like right now?

37. Has a friendship ever turned into something more?

38. Has anyone told you that they like you more than a friend?

39. What have you eaten today?
nothing yet starving am going right away now

40. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?

41. Who was the last person you drove with?
my friend

42. What are you looking forward to?
hmm lunch :D

43. How are you today?
oh damn fine i am
