Gypsy, the western women I was referiing to was you, a modern sterotype, glossy mag reader is where you get your ideas of the modern woman and live by it, it screams out the page! It's the high level western womens insitute conspiracy theory to pervert the minds of young women, and to down grade men. Gays are Ok though, they sit on the fence!
I grew up in a poor area too, and most of the kids are trouble making losers now, their kids following suit. It dosen't happen in all cases, yes some choose to do the opposite to their parents, I still to this day completely disagree with my parents, they grew up in a small mining vilage and were ignorant of the outside world, they didn't want me to go to college because they didn't want to support me, so i worked and went to college. It's difficult to say a child will do this or that, but with sexuality you follow what you see to be normal I think, but I never grew up with gays or have known anyone who has.
Gypsy, the western women I was referiing to was you, a modern sterotype, glossy mag reader is where you get your ideas of the modern woman and live by it, it screams out the page! It's the high level western womens insitute conspiracy theory to pervert the minds of young women, and to down grade men. Gays are Ok though, they sit on the fence!
I grew up in a poor area too, and most of the kids are trouble making losers now, their kids following suit. It dosen't happen in all cases, yes some choose to do the opposite to their parents, I still to this day completely disagree with my parents, they grew up in a small mining vilage and were ignorant of the outside world, they didn't want me to go to college because they didn't want to support me, so i worked and went to college. It's difficult to say a child will do this or that, but with sexuality you follow what you see to be normal I think, but I never grew up with gays or have known anyone who has.