If I may be so bold, let us postulate for a moment that there is a God. The very concept of God is as easy to understand as 11-dimensional M-theory.

It is like three blind men describing the same elephant: one feels the tail and think it is thin and small, like a whip. One feels the trunk and feels that it is like a large and supple pipe. The third feels the leg and feels it is like a large, strong palm tree. They get into an argument about what an elephant is really like.

To be an authentic hearing and sharing, any discussion about religion needs to be served up with large doses of compassion and humility for each other (think this goes for athiests as well, IMO). Anything else is really just the baying of fools. Let's face it, we're really not going to convince anyone of anything through brute force except that we end up poisoning the community well.