i do believe that this site was put up to share info, exchage ideas and welcome new ppl. so at times some of us do make mistakes but than again who has not?
some ppl don't realize that they are visitors to this country just like the rest of us. just bcoz they have been here long and have a few more friends than the some of us, they feel the urge to piss on everyone else.
i wonder why that is? must be some sort of ill mannered up bringing or just the culture of the country that they are from!
but than again, there are some really nice ppl too. who offer kind words and assistance!
i do believe that this site was put up to share info, exchage ideas and welcome new ppl. so at times some of us do make mistakes but than again who has not?
some ppl don't realize that they are visitors to this country just like the rest of us. just bcoz they have been here long and have a few more friends than the some of us, they feel the urge to piss on everyone else.
i wonder why that is? must be some sort of ill mannered up bringing or just the culture of the country that they are from!
but than again, there are some really nice ppl too. who offer kind words and assistance!