OK, I'll toss my hat into the ring. It'll probably get stepped on, but I don't wear hats much anyway.
YCHikal, no matter your personal opinion was quoting fatwah (or however it is properly spelled). Read it in a number of places, to include your own holy texts.
Qatarkid is also correct.
That is far as Islam is concerned. But I only have three years experience here and AM an infidel or something.

THAT said, in mostly western compounds or single dwellings where you are not out howling at the moon or something, things are different as far as enforcement is concerned.

SO, it all comes down to how comfortable are you with living up to your faith? Because at the end of it all, it comes down to it being a matter of being between you and the creator.

Oh, grow a bit thicker skin around here. The nice folks around here can get through rhino skin in a millisecond. I'd suggest a skin about the thickness of the earth's crust! And those are the helpful ones!

All that said, pity you are looking in west bay area. My wife and I would LOVE to kick the jerk out who lives downstairs and get someone decent in here! We just can't afford the full QR18K rent on what I get paid. (Long story there, sad in parts, funny in parts, the rest qualifies for an acceptable substitute for general anesthesia...)