Guess what if i were like you
i would be digging out the old threads and then argued with gypsy on that alot "She had a topic once about Taliban" she didnot like them she saw she heard she felt that was her own way of thinking what she observed.or i could come out here swearing at her blah blah u donot anything bullshit that is. her rights she can say anything. So whats wrong with you than Saud.Simple thing accept the reality nicely :) and have a positive sense always. :)
Guess what if i were like you
i would be digging out the old threads and then argued with gypsy on that alot "She had a topic once about Taliban" she didnot like them she saw she heard she felt that was her own way of thinking what she observed.or i could come out here swearing at her blah blah u donot anything bullshit that is. her rights she can say anything. So whats wrong with you than Saud.Simple thing accept the reality nicely :) and have a positive sense always. :)