Look gypsy...

The quran tells the stories of these men...a story is an account of something that happened, not neccesarilly a suggestion...

Also, Lot was not trying 2 save a " couple of guys" , he was trying 2 save an entire village ...

Furthermore, consider what he was trying 2 save them from...its not like he was concerned they will get fat and out of shape!!!

he was concerned that the whole village will be struck by furious retribution from God ( which eventually happened )..

and u r missing out on the whole MORAL of the story :)

When i was in college, in our 1st lecture the Dean was speaking 2 us..

He told us :" never judge a historical event of times past by standards of the time u now live in"...

He was talking about history and politics, i would suggest u need to do the same about the quran and the religion...

You are entitled to ur own openion of the Quran, but with all due respect to you, no matter what ur openion is, The quran is a book that has inspired thousands of the greatest men and women who ever walked the earth to live a complete, a moral, and an exceptionally fruitfull life...

People Like Anwar Sadat, ( nobel peace prize winner), Ahmmad Zowail ( Phisics nobel prize winner ), Ahmad elbaradie ( nobel peace prize winner ) are all shiniing examples that even in this day and age
when Muslims are no where close to their best , Islam and Quran are still parts of raising great minds and great people who contribute a fair share in human development and civilisation.

In times past , It was the muslim culture ( and ONLY the muslim culture ) that has tolerated and accepted Jews and chritians and different religions and ethnicities in its ranks, and they were treated as citizens with rights and obligations...

Till today, no Jew can deny that the brightest days of the jews were under islamic rule and riegn...

Not one " VALID " claim of historical abuse against christians in Juraselem for example was ever made while juraselem was under muslim rule...

To make a long story short, Ur openion on the quran is urs, and u have a right to it, but i think u r missing out on understanding both the book and the effects of the book on people by always tryingt 2 fish for faults in it ( most of which are never niether accurate nor right any way )..

i reiterate..if u can make an effort 2 put ur prejudice against the quran and islam aside, u might even surprise urself with how easy it is 2 accept the universal truth that lies in the Quran...

Then again, u NOT DOING SO ( and i say that with all the respect in the world ), means ABSOULETLY NOTHING:)

The Quran is one of these things that are true whether u believe in them or not ( in my humble openion at least )

and the status of the Quran as God;s words to the entire human race will not in any way be undermined if u dont belive in it...

Have a gr8 day


"missiles, warships and nuclear weapons cannot establish security. Instead they destroy what peace and security build." Anwar Sadat