HEY gypsey...

I emplore u to reconsider ur source of quran interpratation...

Lot never had sex with his childrenaccoring to quran ...

What the quran said was the he argued with the gay men in his village to the extent that he offered his daughters just to try and put them off the homosexual sex practices:)

The Quran is really a bueatifull book gypsy...

i think if u try to read it with ur prejedous aside, u will learn a lot and enjoy a lot...

having said that, i understand ur frustration from how so many muslims today to tend to associate themselves with very narrow interpretations of the quran and very old ones indeed that need 2 be revisited and re though of...

I do firmly believe however that all the tenants and pillars of the Quran, and all the wisdom and moral code presnted in it holds firm to any day and age..

the trick is how to present the same wisdom and the ideals of times past in a modern context that serves us in the world we live today..

and just for ur info, islam is a very open religion...

For example, the prophet himself ( while alive ) legislated about people with ambigious sex ( u know those people with unidentified genetelia or not fully developed ones )

his take on it was that a person with that condition would recieve inheritance based on his/her APPARENT genetelia...

ie, those with developed penises would be treated as men and those with vagaina;s as women in matters of inheritance...

so its not like Islam even tried to shy away from adressing these issues..

its all in the attitude...

people who want to find flexible answers derived from islam will find ample precsedent to follow...

and those who want to take a hard line and see the world through a peep whole will always find reason 2 do so in any book...be it the quran , the bible, plato's republic, or the american constitution:)



"missiles, warships and nuclear weapons cannot establish security. Instead they destroy what peace and security build." Anwar Sadat