Taking a car loan is better for you as the interset will be lower than personal loan, but you will have to see if your bank gives loans for cars that are older than 2004-2005. If they do than that's fine and you'll have to get a quotation that will cost around 1500-2000 QAR. And you will need a salary certificate from your company that says what your salary and position are. And it has to state that you're a permanent employee of the company. After you get these documents you should be able to apply for a car loan from your bank. Now you can go through another bank like HSBC or IBQ but you will need more papers like a bank statement that dates back to 3 months and some checks for the period of the loan. As for the whole issue of your company only giving you a certificate for a new car than that's nonesense because a salary certificate does not state if the car is new or used. They have to give you one, it's you right!!! Hope that i've been helpful.
Taking a car loan is better for you as the interset will be lower than personal loan, but you will have to see if your bank gives loans for cars that are older than 2004-2005. If they do than that's fine and you'll have to get a quotation that will cost around 1500-2000 QAR. And you will need a salary certificate from your company that says what your salary and position are. And it has to state that you're a permanent employee of the company. After you get these documents you should be able to apply for a car loan from your bank. Now you can go through another bank like HSBC or IBQ but you will need more papers like a bank statement that dates back to 3 months and some checks for the period of the loan. As for the whole issue of your company only giving you a certificate for a new car than that's nonesense because a salary certificate does not state if the car is new or used. They have to give you one, it's you right!!! Hope that i've been helpful.