Homosexuals are just people with different sexual orinatation, that is true...

Legalising gay marriages is a horrible mistake however that entire human race will pay for sooner or later in my openion...

shaking the very foundation of society by legalising such marriages already started having catastrophic repercutions...

I care not what happens behind closed doors...

i cant and wont impose my moral values on consenting adults...

Homosexuality is a human condition just as hetrosexuality is...

however allowing gay couples 2 adopt for example is atrocious in my openion....

its one thing that 2 consenting adults CHOOSE to be homosexuals, and a totally different thing 2 bring up a generation of children believing it is NORM..or may be even just following suit just bec thats the model of relationships they grew up around...

but thats only my humble openion....

My dear Gypsy...dont interpret the quran without reading the full text...

in the story of Lut in the Quran God exclaims FORCEFULLY...( the coming is my own loose translation, please check for more proffesional translation )

" You lust for men and leave what god created for you ( women ?????)...You are so astray from the right path..."

Also in the Quran, BECAUSE the people of Lut wouldnt abandon their ways of homsoexuality amongst men, God's retribution came swift and devistating...

Scholars have said that God ordered the Angel Gabriel to quite LITRALLY turn the village UPSIDE DOWN ...

Muslim scholars say that Gabriel litrally REMOVED the whole village and from the earth, carried it on its wing till the 7th sky ( so much so that the barking of the dogs of the village was heard by the people in the heavens) and then turned it over and let it crash towards earth ( upside down ) essentially crushing its inhabitants...

And the quran leaves no room for INTERPRATATION as to WHY THIS HAPPENED>..

It happened bec they practiced homosexuality and bragged about ( didnt discreetly do it)

Now, in my own understanding, thats no invitation 2 practice discreet homsoexuality either...

its just a simple idea

if u r indeed doing something that God has forbidden ( like homosexuality, adultery, drinking, gambeling , or whatever), DONT BOOST ABOUT IT AND DONT MAKE IT PUBLIC ...

the wisdom behind the discretion is to not " Corrupt" other members of the society who might be encouraged to immitate these " forbidden acts" bec they see them done publically...

peace out


"missiles, warships and nuclear weapons cannot establish security. Instead they destroy what peace and security build." Anwar Sadat