I am late due to terrible time in the office.

The time is very less and lot of work to be done so please read it with care.

Allah is only God and there is no other god except HIM. HE send his beloved creature human being to the earth to see whether they (we) follow HIS instructions or not. When they started following their own thoughts and started doing whatever they liked to do then Allah sent his messangers to them to convince them to do what Allah wants them to do. Majority used to oppose and insisted on what they were practicing and there were occasions where Allah punished them on earth by different ways. One sample is there in Egypt, which is called as mummy in English.

Now one nation which is Looth's nation, as all you know about them, were practicing what majority of us are doing now a days (Homosex). Our Allah stating in HIS book Quran that no nation practiced or was practicing this practice. Allah also punished this nation like other nations. but as stated earlier, Allah punished this nation (5) ways while other nations were punished only one (1) way.

Quran is not a fictional book whether any one believe this or not, can not hurt Quran or anyone but he is hurting himself.

Allah is only one God and there is no other god except HIM is a universal truth whether the whole 6 billion population believe this or not, it is not going to hurt Allah or any one but they will be hurting themselves only.

Mohammed (P.B.U.H) is HIS last messanger there were no and will never be other messengers after him, whether anyone believe this or not, it is not going to hurt any one but he is hurting himself.

Since there will be no other messanger after Mohammed (P.B.U.H), Allah handover this responsibility to Muslims. All non-muslims may not know the truth so we muslims covey Allah's and HIS prophet Mohammed's (P.B.U.H) message to everybody. We do not hate any body and Allah do not hate human beings. But it is human being's deeds which is hated by Allah and then Allah punish that human being.

Allah gave example of Lut's nation to us to avoid this terrible practice to avoid HIS anger and punishment. If any one practice this practice he/she is not hurting anyone but hurting him/herself only. My job was to covey to everyone what Allah wants, you do it or you dont do, you are the only one going to bear the consequences :(

I am not and will not be supporting gay marriages or homsexuality even if 7 billion of population support this kind of marriage which is totaly immoral :|

Take care you guys and remember my words.