Oh, I didn't mean a perk or privilege like that. Just that most places I've worked, they get all the papers, they're lying around the office every day, which is nice (also part of the job, mind you, to keep track of them).

But I was asking about whether the office also gets a subscription to stuff like The Economist -- one place I worked got an uncensored copy, which was very unusual in that country/city, which meant you could read all the articles you couldn't if you bought it in the newsagents.

But the snag was that there was only one copy, and sometimes you would manage to find it on a desk the same week, or sometimes it was six weeks out of date by the time you managed to catch up with it.

I wasn't asking about or expecting a special individual subscription or newspaper allowance (although that sounds fantastic! my periodicals bill is huuuuuge!), just wondering whether the company subscribed generally, whether there were 'office copies'.