You will pay only 70 for the card once and you will pay something like that after a year only. They got a list their of things that you can or can't buy. If you want I can make the order on my card and you can pay me later if it is only for once. You can ask someone who got a credit card or visa for that too, I mean make the purchase through Aramex on her\his card. On your address given to you by Aramex, you can PM me with what do you really intend to do. I feel that you are a little confused about getting the card, account or not.
You will pay only 70 for the card once and you will pay something like that after a year only. They got a list their of things that you can or can't buy. If you want I can make the order on my card and you can pay me later if it is only for once. You can ask someone who got a credit card or visa for that too, I mean make the purchase through Aramex on her\his card. On your address given to you by Aramex, you can PM me with what do you really intend to do. I feel that you are a little confused about getting the card, account or not.