when is the inspection needed then? I have 2006 car also which Istimara would expire in Febraruy 2009. Do I have to bring it for inspection in February 2009 or in 2010?
as pear GCC TRAFIC law passinger car are allowed to renew the car pirmet ( Istimara )for new purchesd car's without gowing thru tacnecal inspacttion for ( 3 year's ) starting from the 1st regstration of the car in the trafic department.
when is the inspection needed then? I have 2006 car also which Istimara would expire in Febraruy 2009. Do I have to bring it for inspection in February 2009 or in 2010?
as pear GCC TRAFIC law passinger car are allowed to renew the car pirmet ( Istimara )for new purchesd car's without gowing thru tacnecal inspacttion for ( 3 year's ) starting from the 1st regstration of the car in the trafic department.