There are many reasons why someone can choose to simply not own a car here. That doesn't automatically make them cheap!

Personally, I don't plan to be here for more than a year or two, and I am certainly not going pay a lot of money for a car that I will just have to sell when I leave. I also have access to shared vehicles through my company which are available to me if I work it out with my coworkers. If I do buy a car it will be a cheap old Jeep or something, just enough to get me around when I need it to because that is the only thing that makes sense for me right now. Does that make me a cheapskate?

God forbid someone actually comes here to save money and not blow it all on cars, clothes, and cell phones like the locals do. I guess I'm a cheapskate if I eat anywhere except 5 star restaurants all the time too, right genius?