At work we already meet and mingle with many foreign colleagues and customers. This happens everyday, 5-6 gruesome times a week. Giving everyone the benefit of the doubt, each one of us try our very best to maintain a peaceful relationship with them all. Sometimes we can't communicate freely with these people because of language barriers. Somehow this becomes a little bit stressful for us in the process. We then just keep quiet and keep to ourselves our runtings and do the job anyway. Citing this scenario, I suppose that it is best not to extend this kind of office environment at home. I think this is another reason why most people prefer to live with those who they think have the same orientation as themselves. My point is, at a house where everyone has the same language or came from the same place, anyone can readily express himself freely without worrying that he may be misunderstood. One need not to worry about not being accepted nor understood wrongly if they talk in the same language and have so much things in common. Often times we find it weird and unacceptable for those things which are different from our upbringing. Understanding and bridging these differences require effort. And the people who choose their housemates just don't like this additional effort to exert. Maybe they prefer silence or they have poor social skills or they may just be simply tired. And that is why they just choose the people who will be living with them.
This doesn't have to be true always but at least it is a way limiting the possibility of any animosity.
At work we already meet and mingle with many foreign colleagues and customers. This happens everyday, 5-6 gruesome times a week. Giving everyone the benefit of the doubt, each one of us try our very best to maintain a peaceful relationship with them all. Sometimes we can't communicate freely with these people because of language barriers. Somehow this becomes a little bit stressful for us in the process. We then just keep quiet and keep to ourselves our runtings and do the job anyway. Citing this scenario, I suppose that it is best not to extend this kind of office environment at home. I think this is another reason why most people prefer to live with those who they think have the same orientation as themselves. My point is, at a house where everyone has the same language or came from the same place, anyone can readily express himself freely without worrying that he may be misunderstood. One need not to worry about not being accepted nor understood wrongly if they talk in the same language and have so much things in common. Often times we find it weird and unacceptable for those things which are different from our upbringing. Understanding and bridging these differences require effort. And the people who choose their housemates just don't like this additional effort to exert. Maybe they prefer silence or they have poor social skills or they may just be simply tired. And that is why they just choose the people who will be living with them.
This doesn't have to be true always but at least it is a way limiting the possibility of any animosity.