When you are coming from Sheraton Round About, Its towards the right side. You can see the building with the big logo QIC on top.Its easy to find.
Working hours are from 7 AM to 1 PM.
Repairing time depends on the dealer and the impact of the damage.If its toyota, will take more time.
After getting the letter from QIC, submit to the workshop.You work starts only after the delear/workshop gets the approval from QIC, so dont leave the vehicle with the workshop.Let them call you or you call them to find out whether the approval is ready or not, then you leave the vehicle.
When you are coming from Sheraton Round About, Its towards the right side. You can see the building with the big logo QIC on top.Its easy to find.
Working hours are from 7 AM to 1 PM.
Repairing time depends on the dealer and the impact of the damage.If its toyota, will take more time.
After getting the letter from QIC, submit to the workshop.You work starts only after the delear/workshop gets the approval from QIC, so dont leave the vehicle with the workshop.Let them call you or you call them to find out whether the approval is ready or not, then you leave the vehicle.