I’ll admit I have not read what the experts say regarding social-economic factors and their link to crime but regarding the situation here in Qatar I think it’s pretty obvious.

You have laborers who are worked like slaves and treated quite frankly like animals. I have made it a habit in my short time here to bring water and fruit to the laborers in my community. When I speak with them their stories are always the same. They’re usually 10 people to a room working 6 days a week and getting paid around 700 QR a month. They haven’t seen their families for God knows how long. Some of them are as old as my father (well past their working years).

I’ve lived my whole life in the US and have always been involved in community feeding programs etc. No place is perfect, but in the US laborers can send their children to public school; they can get tuition assistance and go to College. At least a hardworking father knows his children will have the opportunity to create a better future.

I am completely and utterly disheartened by the treatment of the workers here and I hope and pray I never become desensitized to it.

You can find me on facebook. Amar Chaudhary, location, Qatar.

"My mom cooks better biryani then your mom!!"