The personal liking and dislike of an individual are categorised by so many influences and internal physio - emotional things happening in and outside... i think to generalise on WHICH MEN LIKE WHICH WOMEN AND WHICH WOMEN LIKE WHICH MEN! would sound crazy....... ! We can not generalise it as a staple diet o an individual , or can we... there are 7 billion people and 2/3 in AISA... so it means lots of women in AISA... when we say ASIAIAN... we gotta understand that what we are talking about... ASIA is moving the rest of the world... so why not ASIAN women moving western MEN! haha..

It does not matter as long as the cat catch the mice! I personally do not have any racial discriminations or preferences for any skin colour to fall in love or like any women...or have a soft corner for any1 being from west or east.

The form of individual which one is dependent on the social and personal up bringing... i know westerns (Men & Women) who are so to say much decent and better than many of the Asian lot.

In end liking is more of a compromise which one strikes with his own understanding!

One fellow was told to get the best available tree from the Jungle , but he had no option to turn back... so he saw so many beautiful trees but to get th ebest one he went on rejecting them till he reached the end! He had nothing! Next time when he given a chance he just grabs the first one available --- keeping in mind what happened the last time!

Maverick - Life is a so short to experience even a bit of it! So live it as this is your last day!