Besides talking on here, don't you have any friends that you can talk to and maybe shift over to their place when you actually havta get outta your house. I know this may sound a bit silly, but hey, what are friends for?
Alternatively, you could get a part-time job and look to paying your part of the rent etc.
Running off ain't a solution, (and that too SAUDI? omg... that's like from the frying pan, into the fire) you'll probably be running all your life when things get tuff... I know it ain't easy, but hey not everyone has their lifestyle given to them on a silver platter, we've had to work for it and may I add, at some point in time, struggle too.
Let us know if there is anything you think we could do for you and maybe we can discuss it here.
Besides talking on here, don't you have any friends that you can talk to and maybe shift over to their place when you actually havta get outta your house. I know this may sound a bit silly, but hey, what are friends for?
Alternatively, you could get a part-time job and look to paying your part of the rent etc.
Running off ain't a solution, (and that too SAUDI? omg... that's like from the frying pan, into the fire) you'll probably be running all your life when things get tuff... I know it ain't easy, but hey not everyone has their lifestyle given to them on a silver platter, we've had to work for it and may I add, at some point in time, struggle too.
Let us know if there is anything you think we could do for you and maybe we can discuss it here.
Reality Bites!!!