Congratulations on the job offer. However, as the previous message said, be extra cautious with the offer. RBS is one of the three Banks that is under the control of the UK government. This happened last week when these three banks were closed to collapse. Although nobody knows exactly what ownership the government will have, the situation changes by the day.
What this means for you is that there is a lot of risk involved in taking such offer, even if the offer is still valid. First, it will be hard to get a visa. Second, you may get a visa, go there, and then find yourself with no job after a month.
What can you do? Call the HR directly and have a chat with them. Find out exactly what the situation is and how it relates to your Bank offer. Then, have them confirm everything discussed over the phone in an email. Probably the HR is also clueless on the current situation and how it will affect RBS and its hiring practices 1,2 months down the road. So, in addition, ensure in the contract that your salary is fixed for 18 months and that you cannot get fired (or that you will receive substantial compensation (ex 6 months worth of salaries) in case you do.
It is a tough market for the employee to bargain, but in your case you take a lot of risks. And if they cannot provide you these assurances and you do not take the job, it's ok! Working for a Bank s not where you want to be (yet)
Dear Afeena,
Congratulations on the job offer. However, as the previous message said, be extra cautious with the offer. RBS is one of the three Banks that is under the control of the UK government. This happened last week when these three banks were closed to collapse. Although nobody knows exactly what ownership the government will have, the situation changes by the day.
What this means for you is that there is a lot of risk involved in taking such offer, even if the offer is still valid. First, it will be hard to get a visa. Second, you may get a visa, go there, and then find yourself with no job after a month.
What can you do? Call the HR directly and have a chat with them. Find out exactly what the situation is and how it relates to your Bank offer. Then, have them confirm everything discussed over the phone in an email. Probably the HR is also clueless on the current situation and how it will affect RBS and its hiring practices 1,2 months down the road. So, in addition, ensure in the contract that your salary is fixed for 18 months and that you cannot get fired (or that you will receive substantial compensation (ex 6 months worth of salaries) in case you do.
It is a tough market for the employee to bargain, but in your case you take a lot of risks. And if they cannot provide you these assurances and you do not take the job, it's ok! Working for a Bank s not where you want to be (yet)
Good luck