You would defintley be compensated in heaven for all the good works you are doing :)

btw this, too bad it doesnt apply to rayz cos the guy shaves his eyebrows

Arched Brow
The brow of beauty. You're born to the good things in life. Indicates harmony in relationships

Upswept Brow
A positive, optimistic brow. The sign of an activist brow.

Downswept Brow
Seductive. But could signal weakness to others

Short Brow
Gives the appearance of youth..and can be an asset. Shows independence and ambition

Level Brow
The brow of a career woman who also enjoys sports and the outdoor.

Angular Brow
Indicates a dramatic personality... creative, brilliant in financial matters

Rounded Brow
The brow of a businesswoman or perhaps an entertainer

now bolo bolo tell tell..which eyebrow do you belong to?

Wishing you a seductive & wonderful day licked by luv & penetrated by heavenly graces & may all your misfortunes be ejaculated!