I know exactly what you mean. My female gave birth to three pups. I found two of them homes (this was in Bahrain in 2001) and decided on keeping one. He's spoilt rotten and doesn't know what it's like to struggle to survive......but his mommy does. And not a day goes by that she doesn't look at me with those big brown eyes that say, "you saved me, I will always be grateful"

They are smart, savvy and so loving. That is why I will never buy a dog...EVER! I will only ever rescue one or adopt.

It's funny, just yesterday my dogs were out in our yard and my female got locked outside the door. When we figured out she wasn't inside the house, we opened the door to find her staring up a the door trembling. Poor soul thought we had left her behind! Needless to say I lavished her with cuddles! :)

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Ghandi