Hi Laceyfowler

It is aganist the law for an unwed couple to live together. The only way that you will be able to live in Qatar is if you have a residence visa which is provided by the employer. You can get a tourist vist but I am not sure how long you can stay in the country on that. Your best chances would be to see if your boyfriend's company could possible set you up with some type of position. I am 99.9% sure that the only way you can start a business in Qatar is to have a Qatari partner or be sponsored, not really sure how that works. Even though you are Westerners (I am assuming you are), even though the laws are a little easier, the living together thing probably wouldn't go over too well. I would definitely have your boyfriend talk to his employer about this, because this could affect his job, meaning you could be deported.

My husband is currently working in Qatar and I will probably be there at the end of the year. He purchased a new Hoda CRV fully loaded for around $26,000. You will also purchase your insurance when you purchase the car. I'm sorry I don't remember how much he paid for that.

The housing allowance should definitely get you a nice place to live. There is just a major housing cruch in Doha right now. There are new apartment buildings and compounds opening up so hopefully by the time he gets here, it shouldn't be a problem.
I am an American and I lived in Saudi Arabia for a long time. One of the things that helped me before I went there was studying up on the culture. While Qatar is quite a bit more liberal then Saudi, you may still be in for some culture shocks. If you do come, I recommend that you come with a positive attitude, remember you are not in Kansas anymore, and you are not going to change anything and just try to have fun. Take advantage of the opportunity to learn about new cultures (there are so many different ones there). Take care and good luck