I empathize with you.

As long as you have a vehicle registration number, ie, the number plate the Police HAVE to catch the culprit.

It may take a day, a couple of days, a month or more, but they will catch them.

I had a similar experience at the cornishe, I was rear ended and the guy just said something in arabic and even though I tried to stop him, took off in his car...... I waited for the police, gave them his licence plate number and registed an accident. I visited the police station on a regular basis with one of my office guys (arab) so there is no mistake in translation.

When nothing happened after 3 months we went to the captain and informed him what happened, he summoned the police man who made the report.

In the end they caught the guy's father. The vehicle was registed in the father's name and they live in a tent in the desert. The vehicle had no insurance and the guy was behind bars in the Qatari army barracks.

I was given Qr.2,000/- to repair my rear light (Full assembly) denting and painting. I told the police this may not be enough as the car was not checked by a garage..... the response was.... just take it as the father is an old man and the son is in army jail with no insurance.

So the jist is... sooner or later the culprit will be caught, ....... how big is Qatar, anyway?

Thank the lord that you are safe.