Gypsy.....relax will you, you'll burst a blood vessel. I have seen your comments on several occassions on other subjects, and you a truly a person that speaks her mind. I respect that. You may have had bad experiences, but that doesn't mean the US is all bad.

Satan..... LOL! So true!

And as for SAGE778, well he speaks for himself. Dude, you seriously need to vent. But behaving that way will just spread dissent. Grow up please.

CPJDAD, I'm glad you have realised that not all of us 'haters'. Discrimination that you face will never be as bad as what some other nationalities face. Two men that work for my husband, ended up in hospital in Moscow, Russia because they are Asian; when they were beaten up by some skin heads. Another in Bahrain, got run over (he survived thank goodness) by 3 bahraini's who thought it might be fun... they never got the guys who did it.

So at least be thankful that you may not be 'openly' attacked. Most criticism will be directed at your country not you.

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Ghandi