I certainly agree with you.

I am not American, but lets say that I have a vested interest... :) I grew up around them, and even went to an American School in an Arab country, so I've seen discrimination from both sides.... TO BOTH SIDES for as long as I can remember.

CJP, don't get bogged down by what you hear. It's mainly aimed at your current administration, not you. And just as Momo said, the US is so vast that how can someone be so ignorant to judge an entire population based on hearsay and very limited experiences.

Go to some small town off the beaten path in ANY country and you wil find small minded people and bigots. It's not America, it's everywhere, irrespective of where you come from.

Yes, you do hear some americans arrogantly say that their nation is the best on earth, but hey, I think ITALY is! I'm not being arrogant, I'm just being patriotic. I hate the Italian political system, hate the beaurocracy and hate how expensive it is tho survive there, but it's still a country that has the best food, best wine and family values. At least that's my opinion; even though I would live in the US, and in fact I make no distinction between nationalities. If I like a person, I like a person! Be they from Qatar, from the US, Italy, Korea or Timbactu! :)

Welcome to Qatar CJP. Relax, there are decent people out here who think with their hearts and believe all nationalities are fundamentally equal if a little misunderstood by cultural issues.

The first person I met here is an American; and has turned out to be a friend I will keep for life. That is saying alot, considering I can count my closest friends on my two hands. They are.... Australian, Lebanese, Dutch, and Italian. But hey, if I meet someone I like from any country I say great, more diversity!

Be well.