I have my own two dogs and they spend most of their time indoors. Summer heat and lack of adequate walking areas, plus the fact that dogs aren't as well-liked as in Europe....and particularly france, where they are really treated like family by most.
If your relocation here is absolutely permenent then I agree with Charmed. If on the other hand you will be returning or just testing it out here, than maybe in the interest of the kids, you will consider rehoming your dog temporarily or have a family member look after him until you 'truly' decide after having lived a couple of months here. I say see for yourself first. My dogs stayed with my parents, whilst we found house, settled our daughter in school etc. Then we brought them over, because my parents already have two dogs of their own and the harsh winter was going to be too much for my dogs.
I have my own two dogs and they spend most of their time indoors. Summer heat and lack of adequate walking areas, plus the fact that dogs aren't as well-liked as in Europe....and particularly france, where they are really treated like family by most.
If your relocation here is absolutely permenent then I agree with Charmed. If on the other hand you will be returning or just testing it out here, than maybe in the interest of the kids, you will consider rehoming your dog temporarily or have a family member look after him until you 'truly' decide after having lived a couple of months here. I say see for yourself first. My dogs stayed with my parents, whilst we found house, settled our daughter in school etc. Then we brought them over, because my parents already have two dogs of their own and the harsh winter was going to be too much for my dogs.
Whatever you decide I wish you well.