Al- Seal is the New Tower Constructed and completed this year in west Bay. The location of this tower is in West bay Lagoon and is opposit to the Egyption Embassy. The Building is also called Golden tower because the Structure is coverd with dark yellow cladding sheets.
I was also one of the key person involved during its construction from one of its subcontractor side.
FOr your information, Al-Seal is a Contracting company and this is the first Tower they constructed in Qatar. Now a days they have lot of projects here in Qatar including one which is called Zig Zag building located in West bay as well.

Regarding the company, i can say the employees were not happy with the management during the time when i was working in the same building for one of Subcontractors side but since the company is extending very fast, things might have changed. Hope the answer will be sufficient to take the decision.