There is a difference between agigated/anxious and downright rude and aggressive.
It's my personal opinion that it doesn't fall within an airline official's job description to be shouted at "what the hell is happening?" as an opening gambit from a passenger as described by qatexpat.
You just meet someone, someone who hasn't personally caused your inconvenience, and you're yelling: "what the hell is happening" at them?
There's no excuse for that kind of rudeness or hostility.
How about a bit of civility for a start? How about simply asking this person, in a calm, reasonable tone, for up to date information about the situation, explaining calmly and rationally what the problem is and asking them if there is anything they can do to resolve the problem?
Shouting at someone aggressively and rudely will not solve the problem. Airline staff are paid to serve passengers, yes, they are trained to deal with akward and irate customers, yes, but they are not paid to be subjected to rudeness and hostility and outright aggression.
There is a difference between agigated/anxious and downright rude and aggressive.
It's my personal opinion that it doesn't fall within an airline official's job description to be shouted at "what the hell is happening?" as an opening gambit from a passenger as described by qatexpat.
You just meet someone, someone who hasn't personally caused your inconvenience, and you're yelling: "what the hell is happening" at them?
There's no excuse for that kind of rudeness or hostility.
How about a bit of civility for a start? How about simply asking this person, in a calm, reasonable tone, for up to date information about the situation, explaining calmly and rationally what the problem is and asking them if there is anything they can do to resolve the problem?
Shouting at someone aggressively and rudely will not solve the problem. Airline staff are paid to serve passengers, yes, they are trained to deal with akward and irate customers, yes, but they are not paid to be subjected to rudeness and hostility and outright aggression.