
i m sorry u didnt have such a good time in Egypt....

U r probably just gorgous looking and thats why egyptians couldnt take ur eyes of u:)...

Egyptians tend to be very appriciative (possiblly too appreciative ) of bueaty in all its various forms:)

Cairo is a city where the amount of personal space culturally accepted is WAYYYYYYYYYYYY less than many parts of the world, Australia included...

Growing up in the over populated city like cairo means having very very limited space for oneself, and therefore Cairians ( and most egyptians) tend to feel very comfortable being phisically close ( much like the italians) with people who are complete strangers..

In australia however, or anywhere with lots of space and a more rigid sense of personal space, people grow up needing some phisical distance away from strangers, and any stranger intruding into this " intimate zone" is considered agressive and can be seen as sexualy assultive...

i assure u however, had the people of egypt known u feel so strongly about ur space, they would have given it 2 u...:)

If u have the time, pick up a book called " the definitive book of body language" by allan and barbara pease...

in one chapter it explains in great details the concept of personal space and how differnet it is from culture to culture..

i hope u find this insight helpfull in re evaluating your experience in egypt, and u r always wellcomed back to my bueatifull country for what is hopefully a more pleasent experience that the one u had..

have a gr8 day.


"missiles, warships and nuclear weapons cannot establish security. Instead they destroy what peace and security build." Anwar Sadat