I do agree, but as I said it depend on individual.

The word "Allah" does indeed mean" God", but the imaged that the two words conjures up in the minds of its adherents is very different. To the christian, brought up on the Bible, God is the Creator and the Judge, but he is also love, as shown in the sacrifice of his son for rebel humanity. Humans must respond to this love, to be filled with his spirit, and do good works out of thanks for his goodness.
Allah, although referred to as merciful, does not extend grace to people, but imposes sets of rules and regulations upon his people, to which they must submit. He does not have a personal relationship with his people, but sent prophets from time to time to restate his laws. Good works are done as a sign of submission, and to earn his favour.

The Holy Bible teaches that God cannot be tempted by evil and neither tempts anyone with evil; evil being understood as referring to immorality and sin. James 1:13 (c.f. Psalm 5:4-5; Habakkuk 1:13)

Yet, the Quran teaches that Allah is the author of evil:

This is the difference I understand!!