Unfortunately too many expats arrive here on the assumption that verbal agreements and a hand shake have weight, or they may not have calculated how costly it is infact to live here and adjusted their requirements accordingly prior to arriving.

When ever people ask my opinion, I always say the same thing. Come down, scope it out, see if it's for you, cross your t's and dot your i's on your contracts and then move. Qatar is a nice place to live if you know and prepare yourself. Some Expats are moving back because the companies that originally hired them are not keeping their promises; which is a very common practice in the Middle East unfortunately.

Many expats compare their packages to what they would get at home, and seem satisfied. Then when they arrive, they realise it's just not worth it.

I saw the same thing happen in Dubai years ago when the boom started. Qatar will find it harder and harder to attract skilled expat workers to come here unless they can protect them. So protect yourselves and 'really' check before making the move here. Do not assume that a verbal agreement such as; "After the three month trial period is over we will raise your salary/ allowance etc." Get it down in black and white and legalised.