ABC150 Just becos you repeat a lie 10 times doesnt become true.... If you dint know Indians were tested for performance enhancing drugs then you need to get your facts right...

I dont have to prove anything to you but even after the recent Windies tour of India a random testing was carried out... So your first lie is exposed.

Secondly it was ICC ( READ THIS AGAIN) International Cricket Council which warned PCB to take action the infamous duo after which they suddenly edeveloped injuries...So your second lie about ICC not being involved is again exposed...

Thirdly... you might live in utopia and hope the chances of a country isnt affected by two of its stellar bowlers being banned... but in reality... the already stuttering pakistani team is majorly hampered by rawalpindi express being derailed... Last but not the least if an Indian fails a drug test it is as shameful as a pakistani failing it...never did i condone cheats of any hue or color....
do not expose how shallow you are by comaparing a failed indian weightlifter to shoaib akhtar... she deserves a better comparison...

As long as you are trying hard, you are never failing....
The only failure is failing to try harder.....